Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How FMCG brands can reach the right target audience using Google Display Network ?

Hey All,

This week's blog is dedicated to discuss about how Google display network has enabled FMCG brands to reach the right target audience easily.

What is Google Display Network

 Google Display Network is Google's network for displaying sponsored ads besides its search engine. This can include You tube, Google partnering websites and other Google properties. Google display network can provide geographic targeting as well as it supports all ad formats.

Generally people spend more time online and 95% of that time is spent to read or engage with a content of a website. Google Display Network enables you to reach your target audience at the right place and at the right time. 

Benefits of Display Advertising,

Create all types of ads (Text, Image, Interactive, Video) 
Place those ads in websites that are relevant to what you are selling
Show those ads to people who are interested
Manage and track your budgets
Create ads for free
Saves time
Customized colors fonts and layouts
Update your ads easily

Online engagement of FMCG sector 

The studies have proved that more than 64% of worldwide internet users spend significant time researching brands before making a major purchase. 47% of main shoppers visit grocery retailer websites and 72% search for FMCG related items. Two thirds of main shoppers search for food and drink related terms. 

(Above figures are according to the study looks at Research online Purchase offline, UK. Refer the following link for more information)

Considering our country Sri Lanka the above figures can be different but it would be related since all FMCG buyers has same buyer intentions. 

If we consider the online behavior of people as proven by studies,
 35% use phones of android when they wake up before getting out of the bed. 
When people are at work theres 75% web traffic
At lunch 51% smart phone users search for restaurants
At home 70% people surf internet from computers and other devices
Bed time 21% people use phones of android

How FMCG brands can reach the right target audience using Google Display Network

Google Display Network reach potential customers specifically. Also it enables companies to gain insights about the current customers to expand their audience. It reaches new audience as well based on their interests. It helps companies to optimize their return on investment through effective advertising.  

In order to reach the right target audience,
  • Creative ads
  • Create more interesting advertisements specifically to attract buyers of FMCG products. 
  • Place the advertisements in popular websites related to FMCG 
  • Place the advertisements in most visited social media networks
  • Choose the targeting device wisely (Laptops, desktops, mobile devices or tablets)
  • Choose the correct location or areas
  • Choose the language to be communicated
  • Use effective key words
By doing above things it would be easy to reach the target audience for FMCG products. 

Keep reading my posts and I appreciate your comments and feedbacks!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Branding yourself through social media

Helloo everyone,

This week topic that I am going to write about is Personal branding through Social Media. Personal branding is the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands. (Wikipedia) It describes the process by which the individuals differentiate them selves and standout from the crows by identifying their unique qualities and values. It is difficult to apply a brand to a person other than a product or a service because the behavior of people is totally unpredictable and gradually changes. Yet the topic of personal branding has gained a significant importance with the globalization and modernization due to several reasons.

Why personal branding

To demonstrate more value to customers or employer
It is a leadership requirement
It enables  people to standout of the crowd
To establish reputation and credibility
To advance their careers
Build self confidence

How to brand yourself 

Well executed personal branding campaigns create strong brands that lasts long. Personal branding starts with expertise, demonstrated skills and level of recognition. In order to do personal branding it is important to know what differentiates you from others. 
There are three elements in personal branding,
1. Value proposition-What do you stand for
2. Differentiation- What makes you standout
3. Marketability- What makes you compelling

Branding yourself online 

Internet has become a main source of effective personal branding. Many celebrities, actors, politicians and business tycoons use internet to brand themselves. At the same time anyone can use internet to build their brand in a quick and consistent way and also internet makes personal branding accessible to everyone. 
Blogging and social networks helps to reach your target audience. 

Things to ask yourself before starting up

Who are you
What do you want to do professionally
What is your dream job
Strengths and weaknesses
Your target audience
Your competition

How to use social media tools to brand yourself

First of all it is important to consider the 3 C's of personal branding

Clarity-be clear about who you are
Consistency- Steadfastly express your brand
Constancy- Strong brands are always visible to their target audience


Linked in
Blogs-Video blogs

General Social Media Branding Tips

Be more social and build your network
Keep your information consistent
Reserve your name on other networks
Join groups and conversations with others
Show your expertise in your area

Using twitter to build your brand

Profile- Give Honest information
Tweets-Retweet articles in your area
Privacy- Keep privacy low
Use Hashtags- Allow your readers to see your tweets
Share-Allow your readers to share your information
Follow- Follow experts in your field and have them follow you
Build your reputation

Linked-in to build your brand 

Fill your profile with true information
Headline- List the job you want
Summery - Gear this towards the job you want
Get your unique URL
Keywords-Let your posts come on top of the search results

Facebook to build your brand

Things to do-
Use privacy settings 
Be mindful of your comments
Update often
Be real

Things not to do-
Post anything unprofessional if you are friends with your boss
Post any unnecessary pictures

Central Hub

Keep all your information in one place
Personal Website


Personal branding is how you project yourself to the world. Social media sources like Facebook, twitter and linked-in enables people to brand them selves letting them to reach a quite big target audience. Therefore we can conclude that personal branding is very much effective through social media. 

Hasara :) 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Twitter as a customer service tool

Dear Friends,

Today I am going to talk about TWITTER as a customer service tool. Even though most of the people are very much familiar with fb there is a lesser crowd involved in twitter compared to fb. Therefore I thought that it is required for the viewers to understand that TWITTER is also an important digital marketing tool which enables corporate or non corporate entities to reach their customers effectively.

Even though twitter is not much popular in Sri Lanka most of the top brands in foreign countries already use twitter as a customer service tool mainly because of the unique features of twitter. Twitter always provide instant customer service to customers. Examples for some of the top brands that use twitter are as follows,

Black Berry help
Nike support
Samsung support
Microsoft helps
Nokia helps
Dell cares
Yahoo care

Therefore it is easy to be understood how effective the customer service must be with twitter considering the brands that use twitter as a tool.

Reasons to use Twitter as a customer service tool

  • Twitter fulfills general expectations of customers -

According to data from THE SOCIAL HABIT  42% of the social media users expect to receive a customer support response within a hour or at least on the same day. Generally the average response time for customer tweets are reported to be less than 24 hours. Therefore twitter serves for exact customer needs with quick response.

  • A speedy reply-

Twitter has shortened the customer waiting time to get a response which thereby increases the customer satisfaction followed by customer loyalty.

  • Unique tools to reach customers 

Twitter has improved many unique tools to provide social service. For an example we an take Hashtags as one of the key features of twitter. Considering a lecture room as an example instead of replying a question of one student a lecturer can alert everyone with the answer if hashtag is added. Another examples is @replies. When adding the @replies handle to the middle of the tweet it will send the message to every single one of your followers. Likewise there are several tools of twitter that enables customer service easy and quick. 

  • Measure the success by tracking numbers
Customer service and marketing are different concepts but related. Twitter can track the success of the brand by response rate and mentions over time. This can help customer service heads and marketing managers to take several decisions. 

  • Focus on being helpful to customers
Twitter always focuses on being helpful to customers enabling them to receive a better customer service than its competitors. It gives a quick solution for customer matters and conflicts as well as the responses are sharable and retweetable. 


Considering the social media sources that provide customer service twitter stands out among other sources mainly because of the quick and accurate solutions they provide to customers and also because of the unique features of twitter. Therefore we can conclude that twitter is an important tool which is used by many top brands around the world to provide effective customer service.